Monday, November 23, 2009

Family Day photo 2


  1. She's beautiful in your arms! I can't tell if she looks more like Cory or Ted! But she does look natural about whole event. Mazel tov!

  2. She is beautiful. We are so happy for you!

  3. congratulations, we are very happy for both of you! love, irvin, alicia and jackie nadler

  4. Oh my gosh!! She's adorable, and you all look so happy (but yes, I agree that Orli looks like the serious kind of baby). Mazel Tov! I am looking at these pictures in my classroom, and all my little kindergartners agree she is the cutest baby!

    all our love to you three!
    Rikki, Madeline and Sophia

  5. Welcome to the Mandarin Baby Garden--table for three? Definitely worth the wait. She is adorable. So nice of Corey to let Ted hold her. Loving thoughts.

  6. Hi Ted and Corey:
    Awesome! The first time I opened up the blog was to see Orli in your arms. What a grinnin moment (Corey, that's what I call Diamond moments). The first thought was that this is how it always was--you parents of Orli. Huge Love! Mary Andrews

  7. You look like a natural! She looks so content! Congrats...Love, Genna and Aaron

  8. Bonnie and Harry VandenbergNovember 23, 2009 at 8:10 PM

    god always know how to grow our children into our hearts. thank you for sharing your light with our family today. the vandenbergs

  9. Productivity at the temple has dropped dramatically this week. Everytime one of the staff looks at the website and sees pictures of all y'all with Orli, they get verklempt. Congratulations to you two and welcome to Orli. Arlene

  10. Dear Teddy & Corey == We are SO happy for all three of you -- actually make that some much larger number, adding in your moms for sure.
    Enjoy! Susie & Steve

  11. Ashrei, Ashrei, Ashrei yoshev joyful! be joyful! be joyful in your house! Thinking of you and enjoying the beautiful photos of your family. Much love, the Dubowes

  12. She is quite the little peanut...such a sweet potato!!! Tons of congrats and love to you guys! Welcome to the family Orli! We love you all sooo much!
    Thanks for sharing this experience with really is exciting and an honor to be part of it all!
    Miss you!
    Cathy and the fam

  13. Looks like she is a Daddy's girl already! I'm sure with the love you will both give her, she will change from the serious baby to the happy baby. She was just waiting for a special Mommy and Daddy. What a lucky little baby.

    Love, Arline Tepper and Harry Trister

  14. Hello Corey and Ted,
    Congratulations! We are so excited for you. She is beautiful. We picked up our little Ally in Nanchang on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you in Guangzhuo this weekend.

    Laura and Rich

  15. Dear Corey, Ted, and Orli,
    You are such a beautiful family!! Mazal Tov on this wonderful occasion.
    Judith Bender


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