Thursday, November 19, 2009

We arrived!

Thursday night, 9:30 p.m. (5:30 a.m. in California)
We arrived in Hong Kong this evening, safe and sound. Would you believe that outside our hotel window is an enormous Christmas display! Who knew!

The flights were long, but Cathay Pacific felt like our own private jet (thanks for spoiling us Steve).

We’re looking forward to exploring on our own tomorrow before the rest of our group arrives.

Time to shower and try to sleep so we can adjust to our new time zone.


  1. Hi Ted and Corey,
    Glad to hear from you about your flight. Arriving a day early is smart. It gives you guys a chance to adjust to the time zone.

  2. Your new friends and congregants, Larry and Hannah Gerber are following your adventures and thinking of you today! We can't wait to see you back home!

  3. Rest up&enjoy the Free time. Pretty soon you will be very busy with your new person in your lives.
    Love and Shabbat Shalom whenever it may come in Hong Kong!

  4. We are so happy for you now that you are on the way to fulfilling your dream. We look forward to reading the next episode! Remember to reserve in advance a bulkhead seat with a bassinet for your return...old airline employee!
    You will need lots of space with a baby.
    Susan & Larry xx

  5. the girls and I thought about you all day yesterday, so excited about your new adventure! So glad to hear your flight was nice and you arrived safely. We look forward to hearing more about your trip!

    hugs to you both, and of course Baby Orli!

    Rikki, Madeline and Sophia

  6. Mazel Tov! You all look so complete and happy. Safe travels. Looking foward to meeting Orli and seeing you at home. Happy Thanksgiving and Anniversary.


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California, United States
