Friday, November 27, 2009



  1. She really is the happiest looking baby I've ever seen. I dont know about the labelling her as 'serious baby' and I look foreward to seeing all the differrent faces and moods of Orli as she becomes part of our congregational family, but THIS face???? This happy, Buddha-like perfectly content countenance????? It's making ME happy and I dontget that happy that quickly! I think she is a SUPER SPIRIT! YAY, ORLI!

  2. AWW!!! COREY!!! SO CUTE!!!

    Lauren M.

  3. Oh! those smiles are soooo precious especially when both mommy and baby are having such fun!

  4. We log in each day looking forward to seeing new pictures of the NEW FAMILY! Orli smiles more each day and you all look so happy together! We look forward to meeting Orli in person soon.
    hugs to you all!
    Rikki, Madeline and Sophia

  5. "I can see me lovin' nobody but you
    For all my life
    When you're with me baby the skies'll be blue
    For all my life
    Me and you and you and me
    No matter how they toss the dice
    It had to be
    The only one for me is you
    And you for me
    So happy together "
    This song by "The Turtles" came into my head when I saw you two smiling together.
    Can't wait to see her smile in person
    Lisa W.

  6. This little girl was just meant for you. Every photo shows how content she is.
    Ellen, Howard, Matthew & Meryl

  7. What I love most is how Orli has transformed in such a short time... She was so serious and now her smile is lighting up the world! It is clear to us all that you are both amazing parents! Look at the difference you have made in her life already! What a lucky little girl to have been blessed by joining your family.

  8. Orli looks so happy! It is amazing how quickly she has changed from such a serious baby at the beginning to such a happy baby in this photo! Like I said before, she is so lucky to have the two of you as parents! I hope you 3 are enjoying spending time together on all of the many adventures that you are having in China!


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